Baylor University Clear Sky Clock:

Friday, April 21, 2006

Feynman Immortalized In Stamp

I can't believe I missed this one, seeing how I'm in the Post Office about a hundred times a week. Issued 04 May 2005, still available on, including first day covers. Tuva or Bust!

Found on the web:
Richard P. Feynman to Sandra Chester, date unknown

Dear Sandra,

I was delighted too when I heard about the Nobel Prize, thinking as you did that my bongo playing was at last recognized. Imagine my chagrin when I realized that there had been some mistake - they cited some marks I made on paper some 15 years ago - and not one word about percussion technique.

I know you share in my disappointment.

Thank you,
Richard P. Feynman

For fellow Feynmanphiles: