Baylor University Clear Sky Clock:

Monday, July 11, 2005

Open Clusters in Cygnus

Grab n' Go night with the TV85. Started with the TV 8-24 Zoom, quick peeks at the Ring and Dumbell Nebulae and Albireo, then dropped in the 42mm LVW (14x) and began sweeping around in Cygnus. Came across NGC 6819 which looked like a faint fuzzy southeast of Delta Cygni. Bumped up magnification with the 13mm LVW (46x) and resolved it into faint stars. NGC 6811 was located easily by hopping from Delta Cygni. Much larger and brighter than NGC 6819. M29 did not show as many stars as I remember seeing with the C8. NGC 6910 was tricky, I found it very close to Delta Cygni and at first was unsure if this was really it, but checking against SNP5 chart confirmed it. Very tight grouping of mag 9 and 10 starts with a couple of mag 7 components.

Cygnus Open Clusters