Buy My Telescope. Please.

My eye is on an Celestron Advanced Series refractor - either the 4" ED Apochromatic or the 6" Achromatic. I am leaning towards the 6" because I've read good things about it (like this review), it's pretty inexpensive ($1,069.00), and I really think the CG-5 mount will suit me just fine for my purposes (i.e., one mount, many scopes).
Update 7/4: Never mind. Best offer I received for the Nexstar was $1500, and I'm not even sure if that was genuine. I lowered the price from $2000 to $1750, but no interest on either Astromart or Cloudy Nights. So it stays. Besides, I can't decide whether to buy a C6R or C6S ASGT system, I'm not certain I will be happy with either one, or if I should blow the load on an EQ6 mount... but then I'd only have a TV85 on an overkill mount, and no money in the foreseeable future to buy a larger OTA. Thought about selling just the SCT without all the goodies and sticking with a C8 system (C8S-GT) but High Point says my N8GPS is only worth $600 on trade because it's a non-XLT model. I will keep the Nexstar, add a wedge and be happy with it. It's a fine scope, the only thing wrong with it is the owner.
Update 7/14: Never mind (pt. 2) - It's gone. Sold the scope along with JMI focuser, Astrozap dew shield, and Losmandy counterweight. Kept the solar filter, 40mm Plossl, and Wayne's rail. I've ordered an Orion Sirius EQ-G mount, so the odds of getting another C8 are pretty good.